Burning Ambitions! South Yorkshire Forest

A trial to show how wood waste from tree pruning and tree surgery could be turned into valuable woodfuel, reduce landfill costs and save carbon emissions took place in Sheffield .
The trial is part of a project run by South Yorkshire Forest Partnership on behalf of the CO2Sense Yorkshire Woodfuel Programme. It aims to assess the feasibility of converting wood waste from arboricultural activities such as tree surgery and landscaping into woodfuel which can be used to reduce landfill costs and CO2 emissions. The material is collectively known as „green timber residue.
The trial is part of a year-long project which is working to find ways of making it quick and easy for tree surgeons and landscapers to drop off wood at defined sites for conversion into valuable woodfuel, whilst reducing quantities sent to landfill. The trial aims to attract sufficient wood volumes to make the operation viable; build a base of suppliers who understand the process and consider it worthwhile using the facilities; and assess the use of machinery suitable for converting the wood into a consistent and high quality woodfuel.
A wood processing centre at Sheffields Kettlebridge Road has been developed for storage and processing while a number of satellite wood collection sites will be set up around the city to feed into the main site.
South Yorkshire Forest Partnership wood energy co-ordinator Robin Ridley said: “The wood, which comes from activities like tree surgery, was previously thought to have little economic value. However, new research suggests it could be processed into valuable woodfuel. Every year, over 1,300 tonnes of this waste could be turned into fuel in Sheffield alone.”
Anyone working in the sector who would like to find out more about the trial or register their interest in the initiative should contact Robin Ridley at South Yorkshire Forest Partnership
TEl 0114 2571199

(The CO2Sense Yorkshire Woodfuel Programme has provided the support and funding for the project to run. CO2Sense is a business support and market development programme funded by Yorkshire Forward and the European Regional Development Fund. For further information CO2Senses Woodfuel Programme visit www.CO2sense.org.uk or contact programme manager Gordon Watts on 0113 237 8478 / Gordon.watts@co2sense.org.uk)

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